What's Happening
Sunset Club
Feb 12, 2025
6:00 - 8:00pm @ Casa La Meta
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Paying Canadian or Mexican confirm guests names: [email protected]
What We Do
Las Hermanas de Troncones is a local community group providing opportunities through education for women and children in the Troncones and Majahua areas since 2015.
Access to Education
Student Transportation
In 2015 Las Hermanas established this essential school transportation program for students. This program serves secondary, high school, and university students traveling to multiple schools in and around Troncones. This program serves approximately 55 students each year.
School Building Maintenance
We help provide ongoing maintenance and do extensive repairs and remodeling to schools in Troncones and Majahua.
University Scholorships
Having a scholarship program has always been a dream for our organization. Our efforts to provide opportunities through education begin at the kinder level and continue through middle and high school. Offering scholarships for higher education would be the normal progression of our outreach, but it was financially impossible, until a generous donor stepped up, with a recurring donation and a call-to-action, enabling us to grant our first two scholarships for the 2023-24 school year. We believe in investing in the next generation, and by making this a signature program for Las Hermanas, we will look to secure continued funding to help us support more local scholars to follow their dreams.
Laptop and Electronics
This initiative began in the fall of 2020 during the pandemic, when education transitioned to remote learning. The program continues as the school curriculum has been modified to include internet content and exercises. Thus far, we have purchased and distributed a total of 119 tablets and 108 laptops to secondary, high school, and university students.
Building Learning and Language Fluency
The Library
In January 2024, we opened La Biblioteca, in the space next to El Centro, our learning center. This library will be the first new library within a five-hour range from Zihuatanejo. We are excited to provide an inspiring refuge to encourage curiosity, build community, and support opportunities through education. Stay tuned to learn how you can support community education by becoming a member of the Founders Circle!
Bilingual Classes
We offer a variety of bilingual classes, held in El Centro. In addition to a bilingual instructor, we provide electronic equipment (laptops and headphones), internet, and learning materials. In addition to the ongoing three children's classes, a new class for beginners was added due to demand, and these classes now serve an average of 50 students per week.
Homework and Reading Clubs
These new programs were started in 2023, in conjunction with local teachers, families, and students. The programs are held after school in El Centro, and are open to all primary and secondary students. They are taught by teachers from the local primary schools, and offer much-needed individual support to students in a fun, inspiring, and welcoming environment. These after-school clubs serve an average of 80 students per week.
Teaching Marketable Skills
We sponsor seasonal community workshops for women to learn skills that can provide a source of income, while offering an opportunity to collaborate and build friendships. The workshops are facilitated by volunteers who have the passion to teach a particular skill. Please contact us if you're interested in volunteering!
The Las Hermanas boutique proudly features the products created by the workshop students, with the majority of the proceeds going directly to the local artisans.
How You Can Help.
Become a member
Purchase or donate jewelry or art
Donate books in Spanish
Teach a skill
Host a fundraiser
Host a Sunset Club Party
Join a Committee
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